After his father's untimely death, a young boy is left in the eerie loneliness of a vast countryside mansion with his newly widowed stepmother. As tensions rise, the boy begins to hear disturbing sounds echoing through the corridors, and soon he is disturbed by a grotesque creature bearing an unsettling resemblance to his deceased father. Dismissing the warnings as the imagination of a grieving child, this ominous entity grows more and more disturbing.
Daddy's Head (2024) | tt26682012 Filmi Imdb'den 2,878 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 5.7 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı %57 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!
Teknik Detaylar
Kod :
İsim : Daddys.Head.2024.1080p.WebRip.x264.ENG.Türkçe.Altyazı.Filmbol
Format : Matroska at 2 636 kb/s
Boyut/ Uzunluk : 1.69 GiB / 1 h 32 min 2 s 901 ms
Video #1 : AVC | 2 248 kb/s
İz Adı : 1080p
EnxBoy | FPS : 1920x800 (2.400) | 23.976 fps
Yapı : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC -> Kontrol ediniz.
Ses #2 : AAC LC | 384 kb/s
İz Adı : Orijinal |
Bilgi : 6 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : en
Altyazı #3 : UTF-8
İz Adı : Tam (Türkçe)
Dil : tr