Young Mia and her brother, who grew up with their unemployed mother, live in a social housing complex where low-income families reside. While concealing her femininity, Mia dreams girlish dreams, uses curse-free language with her younger brother, and although expelled from school and lacking friends, her life is turned upside down one day with the arrival of her mother's new boyfriend. Mia, who only finds solace in dancing and yearns for affection, is deeply affected by the closeness of this mature man...
Akvaryum (2009) (Fish Tank) | tt1232776 Filmi Imdb'den 65,930 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 7.3 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı %73 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!
Teknik Detaylar
Kod :
İsim : Fish.Tank.2009.1080p.BluRay.x264.ENG.Türkçe.Altyazı.Filmbol
Format : Matroska at 2 201 kb/s
Boyut/ Uzunluk : 1.89 GiB / 2 h 3 min 1 s 460 ms
Video #1 : AVC | 2 000 kb/s
İz Adı : 1080p
EnxBoy | FPS : 1424x1072 (1.328) | 23.976 fps
Yapı : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC -> Kontrol ediniz.
Ses #2 : AAC LC | 199 kb/s
İz Adı : Orijinal |
Bilgi : 6 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : en
Altyazı #3 : UTF-8
İz Adı : Tam (Türkçe)
Dil : tr