This unique gangster epic spans seventy years and tells the story of three generations of rival families seeking to take control of Wasseypur, a mining town in India. The first half begins in the final years of colonial India: Shahid Khan, who loots British trains, later works in Ramadhir Singh's coal mine solely for revenge. After ten years, his son Sardar Khan vows to restore his father's honor and becomes the most feared man in Wasseypur, a town obsessed with Bollywood cinema. Gangs of Wasseypur - Part 1 was first shown at the Cannes Directors' Fortnight in 2012.
Wasseypur Çeteleri (2012) (Gangs of Wasseypur) | tt1954470 Filmi Imdb'den 106,056 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 8.2 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı %82 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!
Teknik Detaylar
Kod :
İsim : Gangs.of.Wasseypur.2012.Part.1.BluRay.Disc.REMUX.TR.HI.Filmbol
Format : Matroska at 34.6 Mb/s
Boyut/ Uzunluk : 38.7 GiB / 2 h 40 min 16 s 512 ms
Video #1 : AVC | 28.7 Mb/s
İz Adı : REMUX
EnxBoy | FPS : 1920x1080 (1.778) | 24.000 fps
Yapı : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC -> Kontrol ediniz.
Ses #2 : AC-3 | 192 kb/s
İz Adı : Türkçe (SHS) |
Bilgi : 2 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : tr
Ses #3 : DTS XLL | 4 135 kb/s
İz Adı : Orijinal |
Bilgi : 6 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : hi
Ses #4 : DTS | 1 509 kb/s
İz Adı : Orijinal |
Bilgi : 6 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : hi
Altyazı #5 : UTF-8
İz Adı : Tam (Türkçe)
Dil : tr