Following a plane crash in Siberia, a Russian dancer, who had previously defected to the West, finds himself imprisoned in the Soviet Union. Constantly monitored by the KGB, they attempt to persuade him to return as a dancer for the Kirov Academy of Ballet. Resolute in his determination to break free, he forms a bond with a black American expatriate and his pregnant Russian wife, who agree to aid him in his escape to seek refuge at the American Embassy.
White Nights (1985) | tt0090319 Filmi Imdb'den 8,479 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 6.7 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı %67 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!
Teknik Detaylar
Kod :
İsim : White.Nights.1985.720p.BluRay.x264.TR.ENG.Filmbol
Format : Matroska at 1 356 kb/s
Boyut/ Uzunluk : 1.29 GiB / 2 h 16 min 34 s 588 ms
Video #1 : AVC | 1 050 kb/s
İz Adı : 720p
EnxBoy | FPS : 1280x682 (1.875) | 23.976 fps
Yapı : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC -> Kontrol ediniz.
Ses #2 : AC-3 | 192 kb/s
İz Adı : Türkçe |
Bilgi : 2 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : tr
Ses #3 : AAC LC | 112 kb/s
İz Adı : Orijinal |
Bilgi : 2 kanal, 48.0 kHz
Dil : en
Altyazı #4 : UTF-8
İz Adı : Tam (Türkçe)
Dil : tr